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FIRST came the primrose,

On the bank high,

Like a maiden looking forth

From the window of a tower

When the battle rolls below,

So look'd she,

And saw the storms go by.

Then came the wind-flower

In the valley left behind,

As a wounded maiden, pale

With purple streaks of woe,

When the battle has roll'd by

Wanders to and fro,

So totter'd she,

Dishevell'd in the wind.

Then came the daisies,

On the first of May,

Like a banner'd show's advance

While the crowd runs by the way,

With ten thousand flowers about them

they came trooping through the fields.

As a happy people come,

So came they,

As a happy people come

When the war has roll'd away,

With dance and tabor, pipe and drum,

And all make holiday.



George Gershwin

Then came the cowslip,

Like a dancer in the fair,

She spread her little mat of green,

And on it danced she.

With a fillet bound about her brow,

A fillet round her happy brow,

A golden fillet round her brow,

And rubies in her hair.

Sydney Thompson Dobell


Pretty Little Poppy


popular song

Words by Albert Gamse


My pretty little poppy

You're like that lovely flower only so sweet and heavenly

Since I found you

My heart is wrapped around you

And loving you it seems to beat a rhapsody


The pretty little poppy

Must copy its endearing charm from you Amapola, Amapola

How I long to hear you say, "I love you."

Coquelicots D’Avron,

que faites vous

sur mon balcon?


Vogue Cover 1924

George Wolfe Plank 

Comme une belle fleur assise entre les fleurs,

Mainte herbe vous cueillez en la saison plus tendre

Pour me les envoyer, et pour soigneuse apprendre

Leurs noms et qualités, espèces et valeurs.


Était-ce point afin de guérir mes douleurs,

Ou de faire ma plaie amoureuse reprendre ?

Ou bien, s’il vous plaisait par charmes entreprendre

D’ensorceler mon mal, mes flammes et mes pleurs ?


Certes je crois que non : nulle herbe n’est maîtresse

Contre le coup d’Amour envieilli par le temps.

C’était pour m’enseigner qu’il faut dès la jeunesse,


Comme d’un usufruit, prendre son passe-temps :

Que pas à pas nous suit l’importune vieillesse,

Et qu’Amour et les fleurs ne durent qu’un PRINTEMPS

Pierre Ronsard 1524-1585

Plaisirs d’amour

Montgomery Clift with Olivia de Havilland

The Heiress, 1949

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