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Foto del escritor: デイジーデイジー

La vida es en sí el más maravilloso cuento de hadas

Poco importa que se nazca en el corral de los patos, siempre que uno salgan

de un huevo de cisne

Simplemente vivir no es suficiente dijo la mariposa: uno debe de tener:

sol, libertad y una pequeña flor

Los árboles son la herencia de los pájaros, haríamos mal en quitársela


Yes,in a thousand years people will fly on the wings of steam through the air, over the ocean!

The young inhabitants of America will become visitors of old Europe. They will come over to see monuments and the great cities, which will then be in ruins, just as we in our time make

pilgrimages to the tottering splendours of Southern Asia. In a thousand years they will come!

The air steamboat flies over the country whence Columbus went forth, where Cortez was born, and where Calderon sang dramas in sounding verse. Beautiful black-eyed, women live

still in the blooming valleys, and the oldest songs speak of the Cid and the Alhambra.

... How to See all Europe in a Week”


Piep! said one of them to another {..} People have made a mistake in reckoning the time!”

“That they have!” a third put in, who was old, and had a white poll; “”they’ve something they call the calendar - it’s an invention of their own - and everything is to be arranged according to that; but it won’t do. When SPRING comes, then the year begins, and I reckon according to that”.

“But when will spring come? the others inquired.

“It will come when the stork comes back. But his movements are very uncertain,

and here in town no one knows anything about it: in the country they are better informed. Shall we fly out there and wait? There, at any rate, we shall be nearer to SPRING.”

“Yes, that may be all very well,” observed one of the Sparrows {..} Piep!... Piep!”

a Luís

Hans Christian Andersen

2 de abril 1805 - 4 de agosto 1875

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